Tradition Karate
Classes are offered at Bushido Karate Academy
44 Bridge St. East Windsor, CT 06088
4:00 - 5:00 PM
Master Peter Williams (7th Dan)

Master Pete Williams (7th Dan)
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1987, Enfield, Ct. Grand Master Lewis Lizotte
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: November 1991
Date received present rank: Nana Dan, September 2014
Organizational support: Member of USIK. Instructor,Tradition Karate
Profession: Nurse Anesthetist, Retired
Education: AS, BA, 6 year diploma

Master Don Therrien (7th Dan)
Contact: 860-537-8717
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1992, Enfield CT, Grandmaster Lewis Lizotte
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: September 1995
Date received present rank: September 2018
Organizational support: AOKA member 1992 - 2016. USIK member 2016 – present. Instructor at Tradition Karate.
Profession: Engineer
Education: BSBM

Sensei Keith Williams (5th Dan)
Contact: 860-537-8717
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1987 in Enfield, CT under Grand Master Lou Lizotte and Grand Master Ronald Boucher
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: June 1992
Date received present rank: Go Dan September 2018
Organizational support: AOKA member 1992 - 2016. USIK member 2016 – present. Instructor at Tradition Karate.
Profession: Registered Investment Advisor/ Financial Advisor
Education: Bachelor of liberal arts in Business Administration, Bryant University, 1998

Sensei John Giachello (4th Dan)
Date/Location where Isshinryu training began: 1994-Lizotte's Isshinryu Karate -Enfield,Ct
Date received Sho-Dan Isshinryu Karate: September 1999
Date received present rank: March 2019
Organizational support: Member USIK - Instructor/student - Tradition Karate 
Profession:Retired State employee
Education: AOS/Culinary Inst America - BA /Univ. New Haven/FS Mgmt.

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